Consumer Reception Towards Bad Ads Over Long Run

on Saturday 16 November 2013
Reaction to Sour Milk.

Bad Advertising are synonym to fresh milk turning sour overnight. Some bad ads have been pulled down immediately after critical reception from society but that's because the ineffectiveness of it was distinct. However, if you think your ad is good or acceptable just because it has not been pulled down does not mean that it is EFFECTIVE. Indirect bad advertisement that runs over a long period of time may cause an opposite reaction or effect than the intended response the advertisers need. So, perhaps in light of the insensitivity towards victims of eating disorders in America, it is a good deed for the Yoplait Lite advertisement to be pulled down because even though it does not affect the other half of society, Yoplait will still lose approximately an amount of their consumers if they choose to ignore the fact that they have stirred discomfort within said victims who viewed their advertisement.

Advertisements over a long-run can create either positive or negative results. For bad advertisements of course, the outcome will not be favorable. How effective a commercial is will be influence by the message strategy and the execution of the message (Yeshin,T, 2006). If Yoplait Lite happened to receive negative responses from a portion of its society as researched in YOPLAIT LITE - Making light of those suffering from eating disorder? and THE VICTIMS AND THE FACTORS CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM then it only means that the ad was ineffective.

If Yoplait Lite ad had not been taking down, it would have impacted the consumers' image of the brand itself. Successful advertising is therefore which builds product or service image and company reputation, both of which are key components of perceived quality (Yeshin,T, 2006).

In Tellis's (2003) research, he discovered that when advertising efforts are maintained over a period of years, its effects can stretch over a length of two or more years. We assume that this implies for both positive and negative receptions.

Emotional tendencies also influences the aspects of long term advertising effects (Hansen,F & Christensen, S.R, 2007).

Basically,long-term effects come after the medium effects and in regards to this Yoplait Lite ad that our group is focusing on, the brand image of Yoplait itself might not be wholly destroyed but perhaps fractured in the mind of a portion of society who suffers from eating disorders - IF - only they had not taken down the Yoplait Lite ad initially. Consequently, this will automatically affect the sales of Yoplait itself and putting ourselves in the company's shoes, we will not want that to happen - at all. I guess we could sum up that the primary effect of Bad ads in long run will brand a bad experience in the mind of consumers and in terms of consumer psychology, it will stay in the minds of the affected victims of eating disorders - known as autobiographical advertising.

As written by Elster & Loewenstein (1992), previous experiences can play a significant role in how the consumer perceives the product. For example, as said by Jenni Schaefer, "
I was shocked by how they really nailed it on the head--that's exactly what I thought every time I opened a refrigerator door. When you live with an eating disorder, you divide all foods into "good" and "bad" categories, like the yogurt versus the cheesecake [in the commercial]". 
This quote solidifies the fact that Schaefer's unattractive past or memories with her own eating disorder has led her to feel discomfort about seeing an advertisement that reminds her of her own past. In fact, it probably opens old wounds. 

Negative memories are unfortunate to the brand if the consumer allows their bad memory to dictate whether they would use the product or not. This memory becomes an obstacle to consumer happiness and in future, they may not think much of this particular brand (Jansson-Boyd, C, 2010). Or they may not even buy the product or services in the future. 

References :

-  Jansson-Boyd, C, 2010. Consumer Psychology. Berkshire : McGraw-Hill International.
-  Yeshin,T, 2006. Advertising. London : Cengage Learning EMEA.
-   Hansen, F & Christensen, S.R., 2007. Emotions, Advertising and Consumer Choice. Copenhagen :
Copenhagen Business School Press DK. 
- Müller, J, et. al, 2011. Pervasive advertising. London : Springer.
- Kelly,M, 2005. Boy Driking Sour Milk - Illustration. [electronic print] Available at: <> [Accessed 16 November 2013]. 
*This post is strictly unofficial. For educational purposes only and is based on student opinion and research. Not for any other uses.  


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