on Thursday 21 November 2013

The Yellow Cab

After deciding to make an advertisement that involves Taxi, we decided to do a little bit research about Taxi in America, who usually use it, how often they use it, why do they use it, etc. Well, people usually call it Taxi,  but in America the word "Cab" is more popular, or alternatively "Taxi Cab".

First of all, I'm gonna tell you a little history about American Cab or Yellow Cab. In 1915, Chicago entrepreneur John Hertz launched the first Yellow Cab Company in his city. He paid a local science university to study on which color would stand out strongest from far away. And yellow is the answer. Though in 1907, a businessman Harry N. Allen opened the New York Taxicab Company, first ever gasoline-powered cabs, equipped "with taximeters", and drove by driver dressed like West Point cadets was originally painted red and green.

From what I've found, Taxi cabs is one of the most used public transport. There are at least 27,000 taxi trips per year in Las Vegas alone, that makes 70 trips per day. New York is the city with the most taxicabs, there are more than 13,000 licensed taxicabs there. Moreover, here in New York, the average number of taxi passengers is 241 million per year, which mean there are around 20 million people using Taxi in New York alone each month.

Overall, I can conclude that Taxicab is already a main transport option in America, even though of course there are plenty of tourist use this service as well. But that didn't change the fact that taxicab is American's priority in public transport, where they don't have to wait for an hour or so for other transport.

By: C. Tanata

*This post is strictly unofficial. For educational purposes only and is based on student opinion and research. Not for any other uses.


Russel Gao Hodges, G. 2013. Hailing the History of New York's Yellow Cabs. [e-book] New York: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 1. Available through: Google http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=11804573 [Accessed: 21 Nov 2013].
Statisticbrain.com. 2013. Taxi Cab Statistics | Statistic Brain. [online] Available at: http://www.statisticbrain.com/taxi-cab-statistics/ [Accessed: 21 Nov 2013].
Stewart, J. 2013. Why Are There So Many Yellow Taxis in the World?. [online] Available at: http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_eye/2013/10/25/taxis_who_decided_they_should_be_yellow.html [Accessed: 21 Nov 2013].


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