Where People Tend To Focus When Looking At A Screen

on Monday 25 November 2013
It has been reported that people tend to focus more to the left side 
of the screen rather than the right. Studies show that the main reasons for 
this is because our horizontal attention leans to the left, and also
most languages in the entire world are written from the left to the right side of the 
screen. Web designers have also made it a point to put navigation bars and bits of
information towards the left side of the websites they create. 

Web users spend 69% of their time viewing the left half of the page and 30% viewing the right half.
A conventional layout is thus more likely to make sites profitable.

In this chart, each bar shows the amount of time users spent on fixations within a 100-pixel-wide stripe running down the screen, starting from the very left.

People spent more than twice as much time looking at the left side of the page as they did the right:

Left half of screen: 69% of viewing time
Right half of screen: 30% of viewing time

In conclusion, this research was done to clarify which side of the screen a normal TV user would focus their attention more on - the left or the right? This will help us for the technical part of our TVC as we will be using a split-screen effect.


Nngroup.com. 2013. Horizontal Attention Leans Left. [online] 
Available at: http://www.nngroup.com/articles/horizontal-attention-leans-left/ [Accessed: 25 Nov 2013].

Webdesigner Depot. 2013. Understanding Your Brain for Better Design: Left vs. Right. [online] 
Available at: http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2009/11/understanding-your-brain-for-better-design-left-vs-right/ [Accessed: 25 Nov 2013].

by: Syafiq R.

*This post is strictly unofficial. For educational purposes only and is based on student opinion and research. Not for any other uses.


Jinchi said...

Hi Syafiq, how does this finding help you readvertise Yoplait? Please make connections, thanks.

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